Name of the Third Party Service ProviderAMDSinch (formerly CLX)TeleSign

To send SMS for:

a. Two Factor Authentication(TFA)

b. Sign-up using SMS

c. Sign-in using SMS

d. Account recovery using SMS

e. Forgot password recovery method

f. Addition of a number to your account

g. Recipient authentication when signing/approving documents

h. Initiating secure signature collection requests via mobile

To send SMS for:

a. Two Factor Authentication(TFA)

b. Sign-up using SMS

c. Sign-in using SMS

d. Account recovery using SMS

e. Forgot password recovery method

f. Addition of a number to your account

g. Recipient authentication when signing/approving documents

h. Initiating secure signature collection requests via mobile

To send SMS for:

a. Two Factor Authentication(TFA)

b. Sign-up using SMS

c. Sign-in using SMS

d. Account recovery using SMS

e. Forgot password recovery method

f. Addition of a number to your account

g. Recipient authentication when signing/approving documents

h. Initiating secure signature collection requests via mobile

Location of ProcessingEU

North California & Ashburn - US, IN, AU DCs

Ireland and Sweden - EU DC

US for all the DCs
Role of the Third Party Service ProviderTo provide the service and for additional purposes according to their privacy policy.To provide the service and for additional purposes according to their privacy policy.To provide the service and for additional purposes according to their privacy policy.
Applicable Zoho ServicesZoho Accounts*Zoho Accounts*Zoho Accounts*
Applicable Data CenterEUUS, EU, IN, AUUS, EU, IN, AU
ApplicabilityAll the customer who have signed up in EU DC after 27-Sep-2021All the customers around the globe. European phone numbers are processed in Ireland and Sweden.All the customers around the globe
Data Processed

1. Phone number

2. SMS Content

1. Phone number

2. SMS Content

1. Phone number

2. SMS Content

* Your account with Zoho(IAM) is referred to as Zoho Accounts. This enables you to access all of Zoho's applications, including Qntrl.

  • If you enable the TFA settings(SMS method) for your Zoho Account, irrespective of the service you use, the sub-processor associated with Zoho Accounts(for sending the SMS) will be utilized. Additionally, general services such as account recovery using SMS, sign up/sign in using SMS, adding a new number to your Zoho Account also uses the sub-processors associated with Zoho Accounts irrespective of the other applications you may use.

If you are the admin for your organization, you can choose to subscribe for notifications on modifications (addition and change) of sub-processors in this page by clicking here.